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    On the Eve of Thanksgiving in the US

    As I chatted today with a friend for a long over-due chat I shared with her all the learnings/happenings around leadership (many of which are posted here) over the past few weeks.  What continues to rise to the top for me is that all the concepts we have been discussing are intertwined:

    The overarching concept is to recognize the humanity in others so that one can recognize the humanity in oneself (Ubuntu) and from that place one can examine their own culture (including privilege) and the culture of others (culturally adaptive leadership) all under the lens of personal leadership.  And personal leadership may include both followship and leadership OR we may all be leading.  And that the problems arise when do not lead around a common stake.  This is what happens when there is a breakdown in a culture, whether it is a company's culture or a family's or a community's.

    And, we can all be committed to doing the work of leadership; but first we must experience forgiveness and compassion in others - their humanity - and then we can begin the other work.  So, on this eve of Thanksgiving, it seems suitable that we should think about forgiveness and compassion in our own personal leadership work!



    Ann Dinan, Ph.D., M.S.S.A., C.P.C.C.

    The Deeper Leadership Institute

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