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    Entries in gratitude (1)



    This morning is Thanksgiving in the US and I am aware that there will be many posts regarding gratitude.  This feels so trite that I am almost didn't post today at all.  But I took this as a call to action.  In my life I try and do an attitude of gratitude journal entry on a daily basis.  However, not only has that not been part of my blog posts but I am aware that over the past few weeks, I have hardly engaged this process.  So, as an important part of the personal leadership process, I am publicly committing to getting back on track with my attitude of gratitude journal entries and am challenging all of your to do the same.  In fact, if any of you would like to share you entries here, I would love to see them!



    Ann Dinan, Ph.D., M.S.S.A., C.P.C.C.

    The Deeper Leadership Institute