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    « Be Peace for Peace: Intuition | Main | BE PEACE FOR PEACE »

    Be Peace For Peace: Global Flourishing

    In our last blog post we discussed that Peace Leadership could yield global sustainability.  But the word sustainability always bothered me a bit.  Yes, it is a necesasry first step AND it has been discussed as an end goal.  There is where my discomfort lies.  I kept asking myself, what is beyond sustainability and the answer  was flourishing!  So, why do I feel it is important to Be Peace For Peace, because the net result can be global flourishing.  If we revert to an earlier concept discussed here, Ubuntu, and we recognize that we are all interconnected then we would want everyone connected to us to not only have a life that is merely sustainable but rather one that is flourishing.  Peace leadership, and everything connected to it from positive peace constructs to positive leadership constructs can yield global flourishing.  Let's start with Being Peace.  What can you commit to for your daily practice that will assist you with Being Peace?

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